Marcelo Sampaio
Marcelo Sampaio is co-founder and CEO of Hashdex. Previously, he co-founded Endless, Inc in San Francisco, USA, where he served as Chief Growth Officer for 6 years. Before becoming an entrepreneur, he spent more than a decade at Microsoft and Oracle. In the latter, he was the company's youngest sales director in the world. Marcelo has been investing in digital assets since 2012, a topic on which he has spoken numerous times. He is also a successful venture capital investor with over 30 investments in Brazil and abroad. He holds a degree in Production Engineering from PUC-Rio and attended the leadership programs at Harvard University's business school and management at Insead in France.
“It’s amazing to see the state of this market today compared to what it was 5 years ago, and the role Canary played in raising this bar.”
Marcelo and Canary