Kenny Laplante
Kenny Laplante is the founder of Genial Care, whose mission is to ensure all children reach their full potential. Genial began serving the 2 million Brazilian children with autism, using technology to deliver personalized, family-centric care. Kenny´s personal connections to autism and atypical development served as the first spark of what would become his mission as an entrepreneur.
Kenny studied Government, Economics and Finance at Georgetown University. Later, as an investor at General Atlantic, he became passionate about building businesses that do well and do good, specifically those that leverage technology to improve care for specific conditions, including autism.
Kenny decided to move to Brazil with the intention of starting a business in the healthcare space. To better understand the country and Brazilian culture, he soon started learning Portuguese and got a job at GuiaBolso to work in Business Development and Product. He was instrumental in bringing a new business unit and later led the early-stage development of a digital financial advisor. All of these personal and professional experiences intertwined and strengthened his desire to foster access to care for neurodivergent children and assist their families. In 2020, he founded Genial Care and the company is already Latin America´s first integrated behavioral healthcare delivery network.